
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pokemon Raging Ruby Evolution Methods


Pokemon Raging Ruby is a 3DS ROM Hack and based on Pokemon Omega Ruby by Ecnoid. You can have several new custom moves and dozens of new forms, new title screen and more… If you love Pokemon Glowing Garnet, you can play this game. Pokemon Raging Ruby Evolution Documentation will list all information about evolution methods of all pokemon in this game.

Other Documentations of Pokemon Raging Ruby

Evolution Documentation of Pokemon Raging Ruby


No 1 – 49

  • Bulbasaur Level Up [16] into Ivysaur
  • Ivysaur Level Up [32] into Venusaur
  • Charmander Level Up [16] into Charmeleon
  • Charmeleon Level Up [36] into Charizard
  • Squirtle Level Up [16] into Wartortle
  • Wartortle Level Up [36] into Blastoise
  • Caterpie Level Up [7] into Metapod
  • Metapod Level Up [10] into Butterfree
  • Weedle Level Up [7] into Kakuna
  • Kakuna Level Up [10] into Beedrill
  • Pidgey Level Up [18] into Pidgeotto
  • Pidgeotto Level Up [36] into Pidgeot
  • Rattata Level Up [25] into Raticate
  • Spearow Level Up [20] into Fearow
  • Ekans Level Up [22] into Arbok
  • Pikachu Used Item [Thunder Stone] into Raichu
  • Sandshrew Level Up [22] into Sandslash
  • Nidoran Female Level Up [16] into Nidorina
  • Nidorina Used Item [Moon Stone] into Nidoqueen
  • Nidoran Male Level Up [16] into Nidorino
  • Nidorino Used Item [Moon Stone] into Nidoking
  • Clefairy Used Item [Moon Stone] into Clefable
  • Vulpix Used Item [Fire Stone] into Ninetales
  • Jigglypuff Used Item [Water Stone] into Wigglytuff
  • Zubat Level Up [22] into Golbat
  • Golbat Level Up with Friendship into Crobat
  • Oddish Level Up [21] into Gloom
  • Gloom Used Item [Leaf Stone] into Vileplume or Used Item [Sun Stone] into Bellossom
  • Paras Level Up [24] into Parasect
  • Venonat Level Up [31] into Venomoth

No 50 – 99

  • Diglett Level Up [26] into Dugtrio
  • Meowth Level Up [28] into Persian
  • Psyduck Level Up [33] into Golduck
  • Mankey Level Up [28] into Primeape
  • Growlithe Used Item [Fire Stone] into Arcanine
  • Poliwag Level Up [25] into Poliwhirl
  • Poliwhirl Level Up with Held Item (Day) [Sharp Beak] into Poliwrath or Level Up with Held Item (Night) [Sharp Beak] into Politoed
  • Abra Level Up [16] into Kadabra
  • Kadabra Level Up [30] into Alakazam
  • Machop Level Up [28] into Machoke
  • Machoke Level Up [30] into Machamp
  • Bellsprout Level Up [21] into Weepinbell
  • Weepinbell Used Item [Leaf Stone] into Victreebel
  • Tentacool Level Up [30] into Tentacruel
  • Geodude Level Up [25] into Graveler
  • Graveler Level Up [40] into Golem
  • Ponyta Level Up [40] into Rapidash
  • Slowpoke Level Up [37] into Slowbro or Level Up with Held Item (Day) [King’s Rock] into Slowking
  • Magnemite Level Up [30] into Magneton
  • Magneton Level Up at Electric into Magnezone
  • Farfetch’d
  • Doduo Level Up [31] into Dodrio
  • Seel Level Up [34] into Dewgong
  • Grimer Level Up [38] into Muk
  • Shellder Used Item [Water Stone] into Cloyster
  • Gastly Level Up [25] into Haunter
  • Haunter Level Up [30] into Gengar
  • Onix Level Up with Held Item (Day) [Metal Coat] into Steelix
  • Drowzee Level Up [26] into Hypno
  • Krabby Level Up [28] into Kingler